Jan Willem des Tombe

guides Excellence.

Business support – Independent advisor

Ready to take the next step?



Jan Willem des Tombe

Independent advisor

After a dynamic multi-venture career and a life changing sale and transfer of his company, Jan Willem has transitioned to being an independent advisor for investors, founders and boards. With the drive to share his experience with ambitious professionals aiming to further develop themselves or their business.

With significant digital, cultural and M&A transformation experience, Jan Willem offers valuable insights, develops strategies and enhances overall performance of businesses. Having successfully navigated through disrupted environments, he brings value and reassurance to management and investors in intense or uncertain periods. 

Jan Willem builds on 10 years of executive career and has been an independent entrepreneur for 20+ years. In start-ups, scale-ups and mature businesses. 


Extensive experience in teambuilding, strategizing and executing, trouble shooting and turn-arounds, buy and build, post merger integrations and successful exits.

Markets: FMCG, TMT, b2b SaaS, cloud, workspace, managed services, ITMSP, e-commerce.

Roles: advisory, supervisory, fractional / interim.

Expertise: general management, change, commercial, marketing, buy and build, (pre-)exit.

Size: SMB’s  < 500 FTE.

Location: Netherlands, (EU), remote

Broad understanding of the business landscape, extensive hands-on experience, and the ability to think and act independently. Well developed and valuable network of experts to team up with, subject to the cause.


"Jan Willem has managed multiple scale-up and transformation situations and has deployed winning commercial and buy and build strategies. He is a strong believer in the power of the winning team."


How I can help.

Helping manage portfolio companies.

Helping investors manage their assets as an independent advisor or fractional executive. 

    • Fractional or interim replacement of management
    • Board representation
    • Independent strategy assessments
    • Industry and subject matter expertise
    • Turn around
    • Buy and build strategy and execution
    • Post merger integration
    • (Pre-)exit support

Broad knowledge of the business landscape, extensive hands-on experience, and the ability to think and act independently. Valuable network of experts to team up with.

Helping build the business.

Helping founders as an independent advisor or fractional executive.

    • Executive coaching (leadership, stakeholder management)
    • Independent advisory
    • Fractional or interim executive roles
    • Business fundamentals: strategy, team, KPI, heartbeat
    • Funding
    • Commercial strategy
    • Brand, positioning, marketing strategy
    • Buy and build strategy and execution
    • (Pre)-exit strategy

Broad knowledge of the business landscape, extensive hands-on experience, and the ability to think and act independently. Valuable network of experts to team up with.

Helping supervise and advise.

Helping boards as an independent advisor or fractional executive.

    • Independent advisory
    • Fractional, interim, project assignments
    • Industry or subject matter expertise
    • Buy and build strategy
    • Post-merger integration (PMI)
    • Exit strategy and execution
    • Turnaround


Broad knowledge of the business landscape, extensive hands-on experience, and the ability to think and act independently. Valuable network of experts to team up with.


Positions that have shaped my experience.

Investor, advisor
2017-present • Investor, advisor, non-executive director 

Hands-on Private equity investments in Dutch SMB companies. IT, e-commerce, personal shopping, private skin health clinics.

Executive coaching & corporate governance
2015-present • nlgroeit • Nyenrode • Governance University

Start-up and scale-up founders.Independent advisor and executive coach.

Cloud computing and ITMSP buy and build
2003-2017 • Interned Services 

Scale-up, 20+ bolt-on acquisitions, post merger integrations, funding (equity/debt), large scale operations (€200m revenues, €40m EBITA,  200+ FTE, 60.000+ customers). Exited to Royal KPN.. 

Public-Private cooperation platforms
2000-2015 • EMMA, DHPA, DINL

Founded and chaired 3 public-private cooperation platforms guiding sector development.

Internet and b2b SaaS start-ups and scale-ups
1999-2003 • Veritate, Sapenda.com, SiteCast, MailMedia

Invented, founded, funded, grown and exited. Venture capital backed. 

Corporate Multinational
1993-1999 • Reckitt Benckiser

International strategic marketing, media and category management. Multi country/culture. 

Let's talk.

Happy to help. If you feel my experience could be valuable for your specific project or situation, please get in touch. After all, an introduction is the best way to get started.